abdominal aortic aneurysm
adrenal tumour
aneurysim ith thrombus
aneurysim ith thrombus
aortic aneurysm
aortic aneurysm with thrombus
aortic rupture
aortic rupture and right atrial haemmorhage
arterioraclerotic vessels
asthamatic lung
benigh prostatic hypertrophy
calcified cardiac wall
calcified mitral valve
calcified splenic cyst-rarefinding by the author
cardiac tamponade
cerebral cyst
datended intestnes-pancreatts
ectopic pregnancy repture
endocardial haemorrhages
fat necrosis-pancreatts
fold of clothings escape burns-identification
frank pus in pyramid and calyces-acutepyelonephritis
haemorrhage in the thrombs
ischemic endocardium
peritonitis-serofibrinous adhesions of the intestines
pulmonary emboli
pulmonary infarct
recent infarct
repture of ectopic pregnancy
retained placental bits-maternal deaths
vesicular calculi