adrenal tumour
anamolus left coronary
anamolus left coronary artery
ant bite -postmortem
ant bite marks-artefact
aortic aneuryam
aortic aneurysm with thrombus
bone margins bitten by canine animals
bronchial carcinoma
calcified cardia wall
calcified nodule
carcinoma lung
cerebral cyst
cirhosis of liver
datended intestnes-pancreatts
extradural hemorrhage
fat necrosis-pancreats
fibrinous pleuritis
fibroid cut section
foetus in the amniotic aac
fop-renal calculi
intact hymn-virgin
intestinal diverticuli
intracerebral hemorrhage
ischemic necrosis brain
lobar pneumonia
multilobular fibroid uterus
necrotic kidney
note the metal wire used for restrain before fire
parrot beak appearance of nails-clubbing
renal calculi-burst through capsule