Abrasion with Contusion
contused abrasion in motor vehicle accident
Diastic Fracture
Entrance wound of Bullet
Fracture of Skull
Fracture of Skull Infant
grazed abrasion with stretch laceration
imprint abrasion-external cloth marking
imprint abrasions-restrain in kidnap and murder
imprint abrasions-restrain in kidnap and murder
Imprint Abrassion
Intersecting fracture-speaks the obvious
Laceration with Abrasion of Scalp
Lambdoid Fracture
Lung Contusions
multiple linear scratch abrasion
Nail Scratches
Renal Contusion
Shotgun Entrance Wounds
Subconjunctival haemorrhage
Subdural Clot
Sutural Fracture in Gunshot
Temporal Bone Fracture
Transverse fracture-motorcyclist fracture
traumatic haemorrhage in thalamus
tread marks of tyre in road traffic collisions
underlying gutter fracture